Dedicated to strengthening the relationship between Israel, the Jewish people, and people of African descent through education and advocacy.

Have you ever looked at a drop of water?
It doesn’t look like much, but if you think about it, a glass of water is just thousands of little drops all together.
Every drop is needed to fill up the glass. That’s the concept behind Legacy Builders.
Legacy Builders is a community of monthly givers that see value in the work that we do.
Whether you give $10 a month or $100 a month, you’re making an impact on what we do and how we do it.
Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all of our might to protect its right to exist.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nowhere in the world is there a greater appreciation of the desirability and necessity of peace than in Israel.
Coretta Scott King
[Education] must result in making a man think and do for himself just as the Jews have done in spite of universal persecution.
Carter Woodson
As a Black American who understands racism, I know that it makes no sense to equate it with Zionism.
Barbara Jordan